The arrival of warm weather means enjoying time outdoors, at the playground, in a park or maybe just sitting on a bench. Many public spaces are owned and maintained by the City. Sometimes, they are privately owned such as a playground at an apartment complex.
Public spaces and parks need to be regularly inspected and properly maintained by the owner or manager in order to keep visitors safe. That includes maintaining adequate cushioning under the Monkey Bars at the playground and making sure dead tree limbs are removed promptly. A recent New York Times article discusses injuries occurring in Central Park and elsewhere when dead trees are neglected by park workers.
At Ernest Holzberg & Associates, our New York accident attorneys specialize in helping people who are injured due to negligence. If possible, report any dangerous conditions you see to park maintenance before an accident happens. In the event of an accident, call 911 to get medical help at the accident scene. The police will make an Aided Report, with your name and the accident details. Take photos of what caused your injury and please call us at (646) 783-3545 as soon as possible for a free legal consultation.